Kevin Roshad Green |

Kevin Roshad Green

Kevin Roshad Green

My name is Kevin Roshad Green, I go by the name "Kevo sticks" I have been playing drums since I was 5 years old. My dream was to play for/ with great musicians. My brother and I formed a group here in Houston TX called "The Green Brothers" I have been singing, playing, and writing songs, and through this amazing brand of cymbals, my days of drumming have been amazing, even through this pandemic.

The Soultone cymbals brand has helped me in so many ways, I have met new friends and skilled musicians, I have played more gigs than I ever did before. This brand of cymbals has brought out the best of my drumming abilities.

My Soultone Set: 

20" Gospel ride
19" Explosion crash
18" Custom Brilliant crash
17" FXO 6 crash
17" Custom Brilliant crash
13" Custom Series Hi-Hats
9" Extreme splash
7" Vintage splash