Jan Roll | SoultoneCymbals.com

Jan Roll

Jan Roll

Since receiving a set of vintage Ludwigs at age six, Jan has never stopped drumming. Developing his skill at school, with private instruction and endless hours at home as a kid playing along to any recordings to be found in the house. This led to being exposed to diverse styles at an early stage. A crucial step that has led to many gigs later in life. Because of this early development, he began doing paying gigs at the age of 15, continuing through today.

“I would best describe myself as a working professional. I’ve been involved with many different artists, songwriters, showbands, recordings, church bands, cruise ships etc...from metal to Dixieland jazz, just networking myself for nearly 30 years. The journey has taken me all over the USA coast to coast, Canada, Europe, México, and Caribbean. Currently, I’ve been touring for years with Mike Albert and the Big E Band which is a world class tribute to Elvis Presley’s on tour era working from hundreds of songs including an entire gospel show. Often joined on stage by original members of Elvis’ entourage. In addition, I still freelance live and in the studio and give private instruction. I enjoy collecting and repairing vintage drums.

For hard rock and metal fans, I was a member of 80’s band Shok Paris re-uniting occasionally doing shows here and overseas.

I am very proud to say I am also involved with the charity A Christmas to Cure Cancer. A non-profit organization which produces and sells music with proceeds donated to cancer research.

I am very excited to be involved with SOULTONE cymbals!! I have owned hundreds of other cymbals and can honestly say the SOULTONES blow me away. They have that intangible quality that makes them PERSONAL…something you FEEL that is hard to describe. Each one I’ve played has it, a very musical, expressive instrument. The feel under the stick is unique, springy, quick and clean. Effortless. I am currently using a combination of Custom series and Vintage series. Looking forward adding more to the arsenal. Thank you Iki for great products, personal service and a great opportunity!”


