Bush Drummer | SoultoneCymbals.com

Bush Drummer

Bush Drummer


My first drum set ( Pearl ) I had with 12 years . At that time I also went to class. With the band " Power Machine " ( blues rock ) , I had my first gig at age 13 . After that I took a break, except for a few jam sessions . After a long stay abroad in New Zealand and a few guest appearances , it is then proceeded with the Ami - rock band " Breathless " .
Then a long break followed, forced due a motorcycle accident . When playing was possible again , I founded, together with Urs Gee, the rock band " Passion " . Peach on bass was also a part of it. After studio recordings etc. I then left the band . After a long break again I started in Special Unit October 2013, back to drumming ...

My Soultone Set: 

20" Extreme Ride
18" Extreme Crash
16" Extreme Crash
14" Extreme Crash
10" Extreme Splash
8" Extreme Splash
15" Extreme Hi Hat
15" Extreme Wave Hi Hats
20" Extreme China